Speak to the universe and take actions!
Manifesting – “practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real”.
Where did it start for me? Reflecting back on it, it kind of came naturally to me in the littlest of ways as I remember being a very young woman driving to the beach on a cloudy day speaking to the universe and asking for a warm and sunny day because beach trips weren’t that regular for me (life was and still is always busy which in hindsight would not have any other way) and they would happen!. Now, I'm not crazy, I’m no magician in being able to control the weather, but what that little practice did for me was ultimately made me believe and practice manifesting in other aspects of my life. To me manifesting really is like making short and long term goals without the fear of reaching to out for my wildest dreams and aspirations. It keeps me fearless and accountable to continue working hard whilst silencing the negative noise.
And this is where Kristina and I as friends from very early on in our friendship connected deeply through our strong beliefs in manifestation, on all levels really, spiritually, personally and now professionally through having the same goals and aspirations for our joint venture.
So if you're a believer in manifestation but don't know where to begin, here's a cute website I found which has some steps that you can take to start practicing!